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Door & Window with Low-E Glass | Pros, Cons, Cost, FAQs

Key Takeaways

  • Low-E glass is an energy-efficient type of glazing for doors and windows that helps maintain temperature, blocks UV rays, and reduces energy costs.
  • While the initial cost of Low-E glass is higher, it offers long-term savings on energy bills and can contribute to a more comfortable living environment.
  • Choosing Low-E glass has environmental benefits by reducing carbon footprint and supporting a home’s energy efficiency.
  • There are a few potential downsides to consider, such as a slight reduction in natural light and the possibility of signal interference for certain electronic devices.
  • Understanding the costs, benefits, and best use cases for Low-E glass will help you make an informed decision for your home improvement needs.

What is Door & Window with Low-E Glass

Low-E glass, short for low emissivity glass, is a type of glass that has a transparent metallic coating designed to reflect the penetration of ultraviolet (UV) and infrared light while allowing visible light to pass through. 

So, when it’s chilly outside, this glass helps keep the warmth inside your house. And when the sun’s blazing, it does the opposite, keeping your rooms from turning into a sauna. It basically keeps your indoor climate just the way you like it, without working your HVAC system overtime.

The Different Types of Low-E Coatings

Not all Low-E coatings are created equal. There are two main types: passive Low-E coatings, which are designed to maximize solar heat gain and keep your house warm. 

The other type is the solar control Low-E coatings, which are all about reflecting that intense solar heat to keep your home cool. Depending on where you live and what your climate is like, one might be a better fit for your home than the other.

An image which shows how low-e glass works.

Here’s how low-e glass works (image courtesy of Energy Education).

Pros of Door & Window with Low-E Glass

Low-E glass is a popular choice for homeowners who are looking to improve their living spaces since it has a lot of advantages. 

Energy Efficiency and Savings

One of the biggest advantages of Low-E glass is its energy efficiency. Because it helps maintain a consistent temperature in your home, your heating and cooling systems don’t have to work as hard. This means you could see a significant decrease in your energy bills. 

UV Protection and Reduced Furniture Fading

Another plus is that Low-E glass blocks most of the UV rays and protects your interior from the sun’s damaging effects that can fade your carpets, curtains, and furniture. 

Improved Home Comfort

Comfort is key in a home and Low-E glass helps achieve that. By reducing drafts and hot spots, it creates a more consistent and comfortable environment throughout your house.

Environmental Impact Reduction

And let’s not forget the environmental benefits. By using less energy to heat and cool your home, you’re also reducing your carbon footprint. It’s a small step that can make a big difference for our planet.

Making sure your home’s temperature is well-regulated can help you to save on energy bills.

With your home temperature well-regulated, you can save on energy bills and reduce your environmental impact.

Established in 1991 in Las Vegas, Panda Windows & Doors crafts state-of-the-art custom, functional glass wall systems for both residential and commercial spaces. With over 30 years of innovation, we offer more than 80 unique high-quality systems including pivot doors, french doors, folding doors, lift & slides, multi-slides, horizontal sliding walls, and operable windows. 

Our bespoke glass solutions feature the fastest industry lead times, delivering in just 6-10 weeks to customers all over the U.S. and the Caribbean. Trusted by architects globally, Panda transforms spaces with exceptional design and functionality.

Explore Custom Solutions from Panda Windows & Doors Today

Cons of Door & Window with Low-E Glass

While Low-E glass has many benefits, there are also some considerations to keep in mind before making the investment.

Higher Initial Investment

The upfront cost of Low-E glass is typically higher than regular glass. But this is an investment in your home. 

Over time, your energy bills will likely go down because your heating and cooling system won’t have to work as hard. And because you’re using less energy, you’re doing your part for the planet. It’s a win-win that gets better the longer you stay in your home.

Potential Impact on Natural Light

While Low-E glass is excellent for energy efficiency, it can sometimes reduce the amount of natural light that enters the home. However, the difference is often subtle and many find the trade-off for improved insulation worth it. Plus, with the right type of Low-E coating, you can still enjoy plenty of sunlight without the heat.

Signal Interference Considerations

Now, here’s something you might not have thought about. The metallic coating on Low-E glass can, in some cases, affect cell phone signals. If you’ve ever had a call drop out of the blue, you know how important a strong signal is. Before you decide on Low-E glass, check your signal strength. If you’re in a weak signal area, you might need to weigh the benefits of energy efficiency against the convenience of clear calls.

But don’t worry too much. For most homes, this isn’t a deal-breaker. It’s just something to keep in mind, especially if you’re working from home and rely on a strong signal for your internet connection too.

Costs of Door & Window with Low-E Glass

Low-E glass costs more upfront than standard glass. But here’s the breakdown: a standard window might cost you anywhere from $300 to $700, while a Low-E glass window could set you back $400 to $800. It’s a bit more, but remember, it’s an investment in your home’s efficiency.

Breakdown of Cost Factors

Several factors affect the cost of Low-E glass. These include:

  • The size of your windows or doors
  • The type of Low-E coating you choose
  • Any additional features like argon gas fills or double-glazing or between-the glass blinds
  • The frame material
  • Installation costs

Each of these can nudge the price up or down, so think about what you really need and what you can live without.

Long-Term Cost Benefits Analysis

If Low-E glass can save you up to 25% on your energy bills, and you’re spending around $200 a month on heating and cooling, that’s a savings of $50 a month. In just a year, that’s $600 back in your pocket. Multiply that over the years, and you can see how Low-E glass is not just an expense—it’s a smart choice for your wallet.

Most importantly, the comfort of your home is priceless. You can’t put a dollar amount on a cozy living room in the winter or a cool bedroom in the summer. Low-E glass helps make that comfort a reality.

Availability of Rebates and Tax Incentives

Here’s some more good news. Some governments offer rebates or tax incentives for making energy-efficient home improvements. For example, if you’re in the United States, you might qualify for Residential Energy Efficiency Tax Credit which is worth up to $3200 annually.

Girl holding American Dollar Bills.

That means you could get some cash back for choosing Low-E glass. Check with your local government or energy provider to see what programs are available. It’s like getting a bonus for doing something great for your home and the environment.

When to Use Door & Window with Low-E Glass

So, when should you opt for Low-E glass? If you’re all about energy efficiency, reducing your carbon footprint, and keeping your home comfortable year-round, Low-E glass is the right option for your custom doors and windows. It’s especially great for extreme climates—hot or cold—where you want to keep the outside temperatures at bay.

  • If you live in a hot, sunny climate, Low-E glass can keep your home cooler by reflecting the sun’s heat away.
  • In cold climates, it helps trap the heat inside, so you stay warm without cranking up the thermostat.

But even in moderate climates, Low-E glass can help stabilize your home’s temperature, making it feel just right no matter the season.

Best Scenarios for Climate Control

Consider Low-E glass if you:

  • Have rooms that get too hot or cold depending on the season
  • Want to reduce your heating and cooling costs
  • Are concerned about UV rays fading your furniture and carpets
  • Live in an area with strict energy codes

These are the scenarios where Low-E glass shines, giving you control over your home’s climate without breaking the bank.

Analyzing Existing Home Insulation

If you’re thinking about Low-E glass, take a look at your home’s current insulation. Good insulation and Low-E glass go hand in hand. 

If your insulation is lacking, upgrading to Low-E glass could be the boost your home needs to be more energy-efficient. And if your insulation is already top-notch, Low-E glass will complement it perfectly, giving you the shield against the elements that you deserve.

Therefore, consider an energy audit to see where your home stands. This will help you make an informed decision about whether Low-E glass is right for you.

Choose Panda Windows & Doors for Custom Solutions

At Panda Windows & Doors, we understand that every home is unique. That’s why we offer bespoke windows and doors solutions that fit your specific needs. From French doors to Lift and Slide doors with Low-E, gas-filled, etc. glasses, we can build them for you.

The Panda Process

1. Design: We help you select custom doors and windows from over 80 options like Low-E glass, smart home integration, etc. Tailor every detail to your needs and approve the sales order to confirm all specifications before we create detailed engineering plans.

2. Manufacturing: Our project manager ensures all components are ready, and CNC machines precisely cut and mill extrusions. Extrusions are cleaned and powder-coated for durability. Skilled technicians assemble your custom products, integrating Low-E glass seamlessly.

3. Quality Control: Each product undergoes rigorous inspection and testing to ensure functionality and quality. We provide photos and videos of your completed products before packaging, ensuring they meet all standards.

4. Packaging & Shipping: Products are wrapped in protective materials and placed in custom-built crates for safe transit. We ensure your order arrives intact, whether shipping domestically or internationally.

5. Delivery & Warranty: Inspect your order upon arrival and register the product to activate the limited warranty. Apply a high-quality finish to wood surfaces within 7 days to prevent damage. Ensure proper installation and protection during construction.

6. Care & Maintenance: Follow our care and maintenance guide to keep your Panda products in top condition. Regular cleaning and maintenance ensure a lifetime of use and beauty, preserving the efficiency of Low-E glass and other features.

Contact us today to learn more about our low-E glass for your custom doors and windows.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Low-E Glass Noticeable or Distracting?

Not at all. Low-E glass looks just like regular glass, so it won’t affect the appearance of your home. You’ll enjoy all the benefits without any visual distractions.

Can Low-E Glass Be Installed in Existing Windows?

Yes, Low-E glass can be retrofitted into existing window frames, depending on their condition. It’s a great way to upgrade your home’s energy efficiency without a complete overhaul.

How Long Does Low-E Glass Typically Last?

Low-E glass is designed to be durable and long-lasting. With proper installation and maintenance, it can perform well for many years, often as long as the window itself.

Does Low-E Glass Help with Sound Insulation?

While Low-E glass is primarily designed for thermal insulation, it can provide some level of sound reduction due to its additional coating and sometimes thicker construction.

Are There Any Special Maintenance Requirements for Low-E Glass?

Low-E glass requires no more maintenance than regular glass. Regular cleaning with non-abrasive products (plain soap and water) will keep your windows and doors looking great.

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